Finanzen, Wirtschaft

Tech-Talk Innovation … So Blockchain! (English)


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7. Oktober 2021 16:30 Uhr – 
7. Oktober 2021 20:00 Uhr


Swiss Business Hub Lounge / Co-Working Space

Organisiert von

Swiss Business Hub Germany


Prof. Dr Rolf H. Weber, Prof. Civil, Commercial and European Law, UZH

Prof. Dr Thorsten Hens, Prof. Finance, UZH

Prof. Dr Claudio J. Tessone, UZH Blockchain Center, Chairman; Prof. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Nathan Kaiser, General Counsel at SDX

Domino Burki, Cardano Foundation Council Member, Treasurer

Mark Berger, OCCAM.FI, CEO

Olaf Hannemann, Co-founder CV VC



The new frontiers to decentralised finance

Switzerland has become a worldwide blockchain hub. Why? Where is it heading to? Its innovative regulatory body; the creation of a self-contained, yet expanding ecosystem; Industry and Academia; the highest profile platforms. In this event you will get to know the regulatory framework and issues; the why and where to of Cardano, the future of interoperable DeFi, the true decentralisation of these systems. 


Blockchains and other Distributed Ledger Technologies are evincing an ever increasing rate of innovation. This diversification takes place on the most established frameworks (where newer dApps, DAOs, and DeFi systems get more sophisticated by the day) but also on the expanding range of platforms themselves. Switzerland has adjusted to this new reality adapting regulation and evincing a growing attractiveness in this dynamic space. 


16:30 – 17:30    Welcome and bilateral discussions

17:30 – 17:35    Welcome (Britta Thiele-Klapproth, Claudio J. Tessone)

17:35 – 17:50    The Swiss Regulatory Framework and Crypto Assets (Prof. Rolf Weber)

17:55 – 18:10    The rise of the Swiss blockchain ecosystem (Olaf Hannemann)

18:10 – 18:25    Cardano and the future challenges of DeFi (Domino Burki, Mark Berger)

18:25 – 19:15    Panel Discussion: From CeFi (centralized Finance) to DeFi (Decentralizied Finance) back to CeFi? Or do we need to avoid it? What are hybrid models?

 19:15 – 20:00    Networking over Siwss wine

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